Worship Team Interest Form
We have put together teams of volunteers to assist with worship on Sunday mornings. If you are able to serve, please use this form to let us know your availability. Note: If your schedule changes and you need to switch your assigned date, we will have a list of substitutes that you can contact.
Questions? Contact Joan in the office at office@hslckirkland.org.
#advanced training required
Worship Team Descriptions
Acolytes carry the light of Jesus into the worship service and light the candles. They also assist with offering and communion. At the end of the service, they relight their torch and lead us out of worship symbolizing the light of Christ is found wherever we are in the world. We offer acolyte training in the fall.
You will need to arrive about 10 minutes before your service time. Put on a robe that fits you in the room behind the sound booth, called the sacristy. Walk from the sacristy to the altar with the assisting minister and pastor(s) during the opening hymn and light the candles. You will also walk out with the pastor(s) and assisting minister at the end of the service.
Assisting ministers are the primary lay, or non-pastor, leaders in the worship service.
Read the scripture passages and prayers during the week out loud to prepare for Sunday. Arrive about 10 minutes before your service time. Put on a robe (if desired) that fits you in the room behind the sound booth, called the sacristy. Walk from the sacristy to the altar with the acolyte and pastor(s) during the opening hymn. Read Scripture Lessons from the pulpit. Offer the prayers of the people from the altar. Assist the pastor(s) in the distribution of Communion. Follow the acolyte in the exit procession during the closing hymn. Perform some acolyte duties in the absence of an acolyte.
Greeters display Christ’s all-encompassing hospitality right at our front door by welcoming people, whether they’ve attended HSLC for years or it is the first time they’ve walked through the front door of the community.
You will need to arrive about 10 minutes before your service time. Say hello to folks as they enter the doors of the church. Shake hands and make friendly conversation. Help direct folks to anything they might need, such as the restrooms, nursery, or Sunday School classrooms.
Ushers help folks find their way around our building, provide individuals things they need to participate in worship, and are key in creating a welcoming and organized worship experience for all.
You will need to arrive about 15 minutes before your service time. Ensure that every chair in the congregation has a bulletin. Say hello and welcome folks as they enter the sanctuary. Hand everyone a copy of the announcements as they enter. Hand out children’s and large print bulletins as appropriate. Assist people in finding seating as they have need. Collect the offering of the congregation. Take attendance. Help direct the flow of folks to take Holy Communion. Help direct folks to anything they might need, such as the restrooms, nursery, or Sunday School classrooms.
Our sound booth volunteers work behind-the-scenes controlling the microphones and volume levels for our worship service. This position is perfect for someone looking to get involved without being “center stage”. We are particularly looking for volunteers for our 8:00 am and 11:00 am services. We provide all the training, and no previous experience is required! For those looking for an additional challenge, you can request additional training on our live-streaming system and assist during our 9:30 am service.
The communion elements are prepared and presented for serving. When all three services are finished, the remaining elements are properly disposed, and communion ware is cleaned.
You will need to arrive 15-20 minutes before your service time (either 8am or 11am). Pour wine into the chalices, and plate the communion wafers (including the gluten-free ones) onto the communion ware. If serving at the 8am service, set up for the 9:30am service. If serving at the 11am service, dispose of the remaining elements and clean everything afterwards.
Once a month, we add treats to our weekly coffee hour after worship services. This team coordinates providing and serving treats and sometimes helps prepare and clean up coffee and other beverages. Join us to make Sundays delicious and fun!