Welcome to Holy Spirit Lutheran! If this is your first time visiting, we are delighted to have you here. You might wonder what things will be like on Sunday morning, so we’ll do our best to give you some basic information. Please email us at office@hslckirkland.org if you’d like to know more!
What time is worship?
From July 7 through Labor Day, we worship at 9:00 am and 10:30 am on Sundays. All of these services are the same and last for about one hour. The 9:00 am service is livestreamed on our website.
What if I need accommodations to assist me?
The church building has accessible parking in both the east and west parking lots, with ramps into the building and power doors at both entrances. ADA-equipped restrooms are available throughout the building and an elevator reaches the lower level. In the sanctuary, t-loop hearing assistance connects to our primary sound system and spaces have been reserved for wheelchairs. We welcome other requests for accommodations; please e-mail office@hslckirkland.org if you would like additional help.
What happens in worship?
We are part of a liturgical tradition, which simply means that we follow an ancient pattern for worship: gathering, word, meal, and sending. We begin with some announcements about community activities, and singing. We’ll read several biblical passages and then a pastor will preach on one of those readings for about 15 minutes. We share communion together every week and everyone is welcome, including all visitors and children. We finish with more singing as we’re sent into the world to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.
What should my kids do?
Kids are always welcome in worship! We have activity bags for them near the main doors into the sanctuary and children’s bibles in the chairs. We do have Sunday School classes during the 9:30am service – all kids start downstairs. (You’ll find more on our Sunday School program here.) At 11:00 am, we share a children’s message and encourage families with children to be in worship together. Children under four are also welcome in the nursery at any time. All volunteers and staff who work with children at Holy Spirit undergo a yearly background check and are trained in safe and healthy boundaries.
What should I wear?
Anything you like! We believe that God calls us to be our real, authentic selves with each other. Some of us dress up for worship, and others don’t. (Some wear Seahawks jerseys every once in awhile.)
Where can I park?
We have a small parking lot and it fills up quickly. We know that can be frustrating. You can also park at the Kirkland Community Center on 124th St, or at the Juanita Business Park on 100th Ave.
What happens after worship?
Coffee is always available after worship, and we would love the chance to visit with you. Once a month, we have other treats and activities in the Fellowship Hall. We’d also be glad to share more about the community and ministries at Holy Spirit; if you’re comfortable introducing yourself to a pastor, we would love to meet you and help you get connected to other people as well. You can also sign up to receive our weekly email.
“For we are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building.”