We strive to provide resources, classes, and fellowship for the entire family.
Safe Haven
Training for Adults Working with Children and Youth
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church cares about youth and vulnerable adults and the people who work with them. Our goal is to provide a warm, friendly, and safe environment in which we can nurture the faith development of everyone we encounter. Safe Haven is our policy that includes a screening process of all people who work with youth and vulnerable adults, a regular training component to build awareness and provide skills for all people working with youth and vulnerable adults, and an expectation that all people who provide care for those under 18 and vulnerable adults will be regularly screened and attend training.
New Parent ministries
New Parent Ministries is a wonderful outreach for parents and families that are expanding through birth, adoption, and fostering. Our focus is to help provide support for the first few months at home while life is constantly changing. We can help by providing meals, assisting with daily chores, providing a play date for an older sibling, and other things you think you might need. We also have helpful community resources.
Our services are scheduled around each family’s unique needs. We welcome your request and encourage you to enjoy your new family. Let us help you to relax by allowing our volunteers to help you transition into parenthood with ease.
HSLC offers a Meals of Love ministry that provides meals for our church family, on occasion, due to a hospital stay, birth of a new baby, an injury/illness, or during the time of the loss of a loved one. If you have ever been on the receiving end of this kind of expression of love, then you know how wonderful it is to receive it. We want to help lighten the load for those in our community who are experiencing difficulties. Sign up here.
Meals of Love
Meals of Love is a ministry that provides meals for our church family, on occasion, due to a hospital stay, birth of a new baby, an injury/illness, or during the time of the loss of a loved one. If you have ever been on the receiving end of this kind of expression of love, then you know how wonderful it is to receive it. We want to help lighten the load for those in our community who are experiencing difficulties.
How it works
We receive requests from families and work with them to understand their needs. We use the online service to create the calendar. An email is generated from this system to contact several volunteers who prepare and deliver meals as needed. You choose the date that works best for you and provide a short description of what you plan to bring (you can change your mind). The food can be homemade or if you want to participate but don’t have time to cook (or do not like cooking), you can purchase a meal from a deli (chicken, potato salad, beans, and dessert for example) and bring that to the family.
If you need a meal
Please email or call 425-823-2727
To provide a meal
HSLC is in need of more volunteers to help with this ministry. You control when and how many meals you can provide during a specific time; you do not have to sign up every time. This is a perfect service ministry for anyone...regardless of your schedule. To volunteer for this wonderful team, fill out the online form here.
Moms Midweek Ministry
This wee group meets weekly and is for all moms--those who have good days and bad days, ups and downs with parenting and life. They meet Thursdays from 9:45-11:30am September - May. Learn more here.
External web resources
Meirowitz & Wasserberg, LLP: Safety Guide: Tips to Keep Kids Safe at Home, School, Outdoors, & Traveling
Wonderland Child & Family Services: Free Developmental Screening for Children Birth-Age 3
Washington Autism Alliance: Free special education legal clinics for low-income families to get help understanding their childrens’ educational rights.