We believe we are called by the Holy Spirit to proclaim and embody the compassionate, challenging, and inclusive love of God revealed in Jesus Christ.
This means we believe God has called us...
To be compassionate people who see the face of Christ in all people, who love as radically as Jesus does, and who honor all people and all religions.
To be challenging people who celebrate the value of questions and lifelong learning, who ask hard questions of our scriptures and of ourselves, and who work toward racial equity and the flourishing of all the earth.
To be inclusive people who welcome all God's community, who rejoice in diversity, and who see God at work in the whole world.
As a Reconciling in Christ congregation since 1997, we advocate for the full inclusion of those of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions in the life of the church. We believe that God’s inclusive love is for all people, and that all God’s children are honored and welcomed in the body of Christ.
Since 2007, we have also committed to being an Advocating Congregation. Advocacy is the work of standing with those experiencing injustice, listening to and learning from them, and working alongside individuals and organizations to dismantle unjust systems. We commit to this work, knowing that we will always have room to grow. “Advocate” is also a translation of “Holy Spirit” in scripture, meaning that the work of advocacy is central to our identity and our vocation as a community.