Grades 7 and 8
Welcome to our ministry for 7th and 8th graders at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church! Our goal is to provide you with a safe place where you can be yourself and be accepted, and a place to be encouraged and supported as you continue your journey between childhood and young adult. Friends are always welcome to join us for any of the activities!

Each year we require a new registration form for your child. This helps our staff and volunteers have the most current information for your child and your updated contact information.
Youth ACTIVITIES, Retreats, and Service
Sunday Morning Activities
Join us once a month in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 am as we gather around food and talk about what it means to be a Christian. Once in a while we will go out and visit other churches to see how other Christians experience God.
Upcoming dates: March 23, April 6
Youth Retreats
We offer a weekend retreat for all youth in grades 7 and 8 each year. There are two main themes that we rotate; dating and relationships, and leadership. We think it is important for youth to know about relationships and dating before that becomes part of their life. The leadership retreat teaches skills around leadership, which are vital in everyday life.
7th and 8th Grade Spring Retreat—Friday, March 14 - Saturday, March 15 at Camp Casey on Whidbey Island
Join us for this leadership retreat, where you will learn skills to help you become a better leader. Meet at Holy Spirit by 6:00 pm Friday night, March 14 - eat dinner before or bring a sack dinner. We’ll take the church shuttle to Whidbey Island, stay overnight at Camp Casey, and plan to return around 9:00 pm on Saturday, March 15. Cost is $150 and it covers meals, lodging, and transportation. Full or partial scholarships are available - talk to Tammie. Questions? Contact Tammie.
Summer Week of Service
Each summer we offer a week of doing service projects for youth in grades 6, 7 and 8. The service includes projects around the church and around the community. Our goal for doing service in the area is to help youth see that they can continue to serve their community even after our week of service is over.
2025 Summer Week of Service—Monday, July 21 - Friday, July 25, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm daily
More details to come, but mark your calendars now!
Confirmation is for all students in grades 7, 8 and 9. We meet on Wednesday nights from 7 - 8:30 from September through March. Our main focus is building safe relationships with peers and adults as we grow our faith through service projects and group activities. Check out the Confirmation page for more information!
Teen Helpers Wanted!
Teenagers! We are looking for teens to help out in our Rainbow Kids and K-3 Elementary Sunday School classes each week. If you are a teen who loves to work with children and would enjoy working with preschool or elementary-aged children, please sign-up via the button below to help in one of our classes.
Questions? Contact Becky at
Throughout the year, we will offer a few activities for 6th, 7th and 8th grade youth and friends to come and have a good time!
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church is committed to keeping children safe and asks all adult volunteers to attend our Safe Haven Training.