Worship Helpers Wanted
We’re looking for some virtual worship assistants for our new online worship! We need videos of our congregation reciting the Lord’s Prayer and the Creed (see below for the words and instructions) and sharing the peace. You can be in your home, in a park, in front of your computer, basically anywhere. You can record yourself alone, with your family, with a pet—whatever you want! For the sharing of the peace, you can say “peace be with you” directly to camera, or you can record yourself and your family passing the peace to each other. Just make a recording (if you’re using your phone, please turn it sideways, so we get a full screen wide video) and email it to web@hslckirkland.org.
Church is more than a building! Just because the building is closed, doesn’t mean we don’t need your participation in worship. So, make a recording, send it in, and then tune in to our online worship every week to see when your video is included!
How to Participate in HSLC’s virtual singing of the Lord’s Prayer together
This Easter season, all friends and members of the Holy Spirit community are warmly invited to participate in our virtual singing of the Lord’s Prayer. Our singing of the prayer our Lord taught us at the time we share in Holy Communion is one of the most profound moments when we are connected for good to one another, to all those who have gone before us, and to God through Christ, wherever we may physically be at the time we receive the sacrament.
There are a number of ways that you can participate. Your contributions will be incorporated throughout the Easter Season in the video of the community’s singing of the Lord’s Prayer during the Communion liturgy each week.
Below are four options to consider! For any questions, contact John Sparkman at music@hslckirkland.org, and thanks for helping show how HSLC is staying connected for good.
You could contribute a picture of your celebration of communion.
This might include:
Your home altar, preferably with your face in it.
Remember an altar need not be formal to be holy.
An image of you or your family at the time you’ve just communed.
You could contribute video
This might include:
You, along with anyone else who may be worshiping with you, singing along with the Lord’s Prayer to the video.
A video of your family serving communion to one another.
Your video file will likely be too large to send in an email. However, just reach out to John at music@hslckirkland.organd you’ll get special instructions on a spot to upload your video.
Make sure when videoing that you turn your phone or tablet landscape orientation. If you are videoing with a webcam on a computer, no worries!
You could contribute audio:
To add your voice to the mix of those singing in the recording, follow these steps:
Listen to the Lord’s Prayer video recording in headphones while recording your voice.
Clap the beat before you start to sing.
Sing along with the whole prayer.
Email the recording of your voice to music@hslckirkland.org
a. You should only hear your voice in the recording.
b. Your voice will be added to the mix of other voices and won’t stand out.
c.You can do this as a couple or family, as long as everyone can listen to the recording on headphones simultaneously.
Contribute audio and video:
Identical to audio instructions above, only make a video instead of audio-only recording.
Your video file will likely be too large to send in an email. However, just reach out to John at music@hslckirkland.organd you’ll get special instructions on a spot to upload your video.
Make sure when videoing that you turn your phone or tablet landscape orientation.
The Creed
We have faith in God who lives among us: we are not alone, we live in God’s world.
We believe in God; who has created and is creating, who has come in Jesus,
the Word made flesh, to reconcile and make new,
who works in us and others by the Spirit. We trust in God.
We are called to be the Church:
to celebrate God’s presence, to live with respect in creation,
to love and serve others, to seek peace and resist evil,
to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope.
In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us.
We are not alone. Thanks be to God!