Sunday, August 8th

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Children’s Message



John 6:35, 41-51

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

Then the Jews began to complain about him because he said, “I am the bread that came down from heaven.” They were saying, “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How can he now say, ‘I have come down from heaven’?” Jesus answered them, “Do not complain among yourselves. No one can come to me unless drawn by the Father who sent me; and I will raise that person up on the last day. It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to me. Not that anyone has seen the Father except the one who is from God; he has seen the Father. Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes has eternal life. I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Creed, Prayers, Passing of the Peace

The Creed

We have faith in God who lives among us. We are not alone, we live in God’s world:

We believe in God: who has created and is creating, who has come in Jesus,

the Word made flesh, to reconcile and make new, who works in us and others by the Spirit.

We trust in God. We are called to be the Church:

to celebrate God’s presence, to live with respect in creation,

to love and serve others, to seek peace and resist evil,

to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope.

In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God!

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The Offering

We have a number of ways to participate and contribute when you are unable to attend worship in person. You can make a one-time donation, or manage ongoing giving. You may also chose to use the GivePlus App. Simply download the GivePlus app, and then search for “Holy Spirit Lutheran Church” using our zip code: 98034 (there are two other Holy Spirit Lutheran Churches in the country). Through that app you can also set up one-time or ongoing giving from your phone.


Text to Give

Text the amount “$___” to the number 425-287-5486

The Meal & Sending


Song of Praise 

Now the Feast and Celebration.  Text and music by Marty Haugen, b. 1950.  Text and music © 1990 GIA Publications, Inc., 7404 S. Mason Ave., Chicago, IL 60638. 800.442.3358. All rights reserved. Used and streamed by permission under license #A-708353.  Art by Pastor Larry M. 


Gospel Acclamation 

Alleluia.  Words: Traditional.  Music by Marty Haugen, b. 1950.  Text and music © 1990 GIA Publications, Inc., 7404 S. Mason Ave., Chicago, IL 60638. 800.442.3358. All rights reserved. Used and streamed by permission under license #A-708353.  Art by Lael W. 


Sermon Song 

How Can I Keep from Singing?  Text and music by Robert Lowry.  Public Domain. 



My Life Flows On in Endless Song/How Can I Keep From (or Restart) Singing? Arranged by John Carter.  Offered by Becky F & John S. 

Offertory Song 

As the Grains of Wheat.  Text:  Didache, 2nd century CE, adapted by Marty Haugen.  Music:  Marty Haugen.  Text and music © 1990 GIA Publications, Inc., 7404 S. Mason Ave., Chicago, IL 60638. 800.442.3358. All rights reserved. Used and streamed by permission under license #A-708353.  Art by Lael W and Pastor Larry M. 


Lamb of God 

Lamb of God. Text and music by Marty Haugen, b. 1950.  Text and music © 1990 GIA Publications, Inc., 7404 S. Mason Ave., Chicago, IL 60638. 800.442.3358. All rights reserved. Used and streamed by permission under license #A-708353. Art by Lael W and Pastor Larry M. 


Post-Communion Song 

Thanks Be to You.  Text and music by Marty Haugen, b. 1950.  Text and music © 1990 GIA Publications, Inc., 7404 S. Mason Ave., Chicago, IL 60638. 800.442.3358. All rights reserved. Used and streamed by permission under license #A-708353.  Art by Lael W. 


Spoken Liturgy 

Spoken liturgy from, alt., used by permission under Augsburg Fortress License #14006-LIT.  Addition spoken liturgy written by the local community, used by permission of the authors. 

Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible © 1989 Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA.  Used by permission. 

Additional scripture quotations are taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright © 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, a Division of Tyndale House Ministries.