7th and 8th Grade Spring Retreat Registration and Off-Site Permission Form
Friday, March 14 at 6:00 pm through Saturday, March 15 at 9:00 pm at Camp Casey on Whidbey Island
Meet at Holy Spirit by 6:00 pm Friday night, March 14 - eat dinner before or bring a sack dinner. We’ll take the church shuttle to Whidbey Island, stay overnight at Camp Casey, and plan to return around 9:00 pm on Saturday, March 15. Cost is $150 and it covers meals, lodging, and transportation. Full or partial scholarships are available - talk to Tammie.
Register by February 26 so we can have all the supplies for the retreat.
VERY IMPORTANT! We will also need a copy of your insurance card - please take a photo or make a copy and either include it with your payment, or e-mail it separately to Tammie Zarfos at confirmation@hslckirkland.org.
Register by signing up below, and placing your cash or check made out to HSLC (with "7/8 Spring Retreat" and student name on the memo line) in the registration slot at the counter in the Narthex. And please include a copy of your insurance card with your payment!
If you have any questions, please contact Tammie at confirmation@hslckirkland.org.