HSLC Refugee Resettlement Committee
2016 – 2023
Feb. First committee meeting
April Starter kit drive with Cascadia Cluster churches
May LCSNW Program Director and Housing Coordinator spoke to committee
June Movie event at church with pizza – “Salam Neighbor”
August HSLC hosted Imam Center and Pacific Institute for dinner
Sept. Iraqi family arrives; temporary housing with church members
Nov. Iraqi family moves to Kirkland apartment
Jan. LCSNW Program Director spoke at all services
Mar. Movie event in Bellevue – “After Spring”
May Ugandan family housed by Refugee Committee member
July Found, furnished and helped Ugandan family move to a Juanita apartment. Supported children in activities and school.
Sept. Committee participated in Kirkland Welcome event. Hosted a table and Pastor Mary-Alyce spoke
Feb. LCSNW Director of Church Relations spoke at all service about new Circle of Welcome program
June Committee members gave presentations at two NW Washington Synod gatherings
Sept. Second starter kit drive in conjunction with Kirkland Welcome week
Oct. Family from Afghanistan arrives. Temporary housing with church members
Nov. Afghan family moves to apartment in Lynnwood
Jan. Shower for Afghan family’s new baby
Committee continues to meet monthly
Sept. Third LCSNW Starter Kit drive
Committee blanket drive for LCSNW Mill Creek
August Committee sponsors family from Ukraine through LCSNW Distant Partner program
Furnished apartment, stocked pantry and provided gift cards donated by committee members
Dec. Participated in Giving Tree program with presents delivered to LCSNW for refugee families
Jan. Helped furnish apartment for second family from Ukraine
Mar. Spoke at New Member class about HSLC Refugee Resettlement Committee
May Starter Kit drive in conjunction with World Refugee Day
August Updated website, including a new mission statement