Pastor Rita’s Relaxation Devotion


Hi, I’m Pastor Rita writing to you from my home.

I know many of us are spending quite a bit of time at home lately.

We watch the news, try to focus on the ‘facts not the fear’ as the well-meaning newscasters give us all kinds of advice about the corona virus. 


We do what we can to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and our friends.We try remember not to worry, not to touch our face, and to wash our hands often.

And yet, in the face of the unknown it’s very easy to get fearful, anxious or even depressed. 

We may fight against that by doing simple things. Like getting out for a walk on a nice day if we can or making a much needed trip to the grocery store even as we take care to keep our distance from fellow shoppers. 

Lately, I’ve been trying to combat the worry and fear in my own life and situation through intentional relaxation techniques. 

This has been helpful to me and so I’m hoping it will be helpful to you, too. 


Today, let’s walk through a time of intentional relaxation together.

We can start by taking a couple of relaxing breaths together. 


Try this

Breathe in to the count of four.

One, two three four


Hold it for the count of four,

One, two three four


Breathe out to the count of six

One, two, three, four, five, six

Repeat this three or four times

Great—and now

I would like to read a scripture to you.

Many of you are familiar with it. 

It comes from the book of Psalms, chapter 46 verses 10-11


It says:

“Be still and know that I am God!

I am exalted among the nations, 

I am exalted in the earth.”

The Lord of hosts is with us; 

the God of Jacob is our refuge.  


Let’s zero in on one sentence in particular

Let’s focus on 


“Be still, and know that I am God!”    

Have you ever been in the midst of a storm at night?

The wind whistles through small gaps in the door.

There is a deep rumble of thunder and then the quick flash of lightening.


As the rumbling gets louder, the windows shudder and the lightning flashes brighter -- the storm is moving closer and closer.


But God says, ‘Be still and know that I am God.’


Be still and know that I am God

I am God of Heaven and Earth 

I am God of the universe, 

I am the God of all creation, 

Be still and know that I am God.



Be still and know

Know that I love you

Know that I am your refuge, your place of safety and security

Know that I am your strength


Be still

I am in the stillness

I am in the sound of sheer silence

Peace, be still



In me you live and move and have your being

Live in me




In the midst of uncertainty you might find it helpful, like I have, to take a few deep breaths and remember that God is alive; loves you deeply and will never leave you or forsake you.