Refugee & Resettlement Ministries

Our Mission: To support the efforts being made to alleviate the refugee crisis in the world, the Refugee Committee will partner with Lutheran Community Services and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services.


The ministry was established to respond with compassion to the more than 60 million people who have found themselves displaced by persecution, violence, and disasters around the world. We support the efforts being made to alleviate the refugee crisis through education, advocacy, and action. We have partnered with Lutheran Community Services to support their efforts to resettle refugees and will work to welcome refugee families into our community.


Most refugees arrive in the United States with next to nothing, but you can help them rebuild their lives by putting together Starter Kits. HSLC Refugee Resettlement Committee is sponsoring a collection drive for refugees. They will build cleaning kits and bathroom kits from the donations you share.

There is an expected increase of refugees from June through September.

Please bring your NEW items to the Fellowship Hall through Sunday, June 18th.

Items requested:

Cleaning supplies - mop and bucket, broom and dustpan, pack of sponges, all-purpose cleaning spray, toilet brush, dish soap, laundry

detergent, package of 4-6 light bulbs, 2 rolls of paper towels, 2 boxes of tissues

Bathroom supplies - bath towels (4), washcloths (4), shower curtain, shower curtain rings, hand soap, 6-pack of toilet paper, small waste


You do not have to purchase a whole "kit" - everyone's donations will be grouped together to make the kits. Questions? Contact Judy Abdo at


On January 31st, 2016, HSLC made an overwhelming vote of affirmation to

  • Support the efforts being made to alleviate the refugee crisis in the world

  • Establish a subcommittee of the Social Justice Committee called the Refugee Committee

  • Engage with Lutheran Community Services as a partner agency

We have met regularly since that date to learn, plan, and welcome refugee families.


Resources to learn more about refugees


National and International

US Resettlement Agencies


  • See a list of 12 amazing books for children here

  • See a list of books the Social Justice Committee's Global Ministry Team recommends here

Videos from LIRS

Videos on YouTube

Videos on Frontline (PBS)

Video from Al Jazeera

Video from Vice

What can you do today? Or tomorrow?

  • Lutheran Community Services NW is helping resettle refugee families in the North end.  They especially need pillows, mops and brooms, but can use anything on the Amazon “wish list” that they have set up. Please send wish list items to this address: Teddie Newhouse, Humanitarian, 14813 24th Ave SE, Mill Creek, WA. 98012

  • Volunteer at local agencies that work with refugees:  Hopelink, Friends of Youth, Libraries, food banks, ReWA, Eastside Refugee and Immigrant Coalition and more!

  • Join our Committee….there are lots of upcoming projects :)

  • Educate yourself further about the refugees in our area and the greater situation in the world.

  • Pray for refugees…check the LIRS site: