Livestream Worship

We invite you to join us right here every Sunday morning at 9:30 am for our livestream! We are excited to provide this opportunity to experience worship together as a community both in-person and online. Past livestreams are available below.


Join our livestream chat! Just fill out your name below to have access and let us know you’re watching (and if you’re having any issues).


As Christians, we strive to be faithful and generous stewards of the gifts God has given us. God invites us to give our lives away, both to create a more just and peaceful world, and to transform our own hearts and minds. As a community, we live out this invitation through ministries which both proclaim and embody the compassionate, challenging, inclusive love of God we encounter in Jesus.

Past Livestreams


For other past worship services, visit our Vimeo Page, which has an archive of all our videos.