Lenten Devotion

March 11th

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On Sunday, we heard the text from Genesis 12 about Abram and Sarai. In the first part of this story, we learn about the journey Abram and Sarai went on with Lot. They went to a new land and God promised them all the land. This is the first of many promises God made with God’s people

What is one of your favorite journeys?

What are some of the things you took with you on the trip?

How do you travel when you go on a trip? What is your favorite way to travel?

I am guessing that you don’t walk when you have a long way to travel. In this story, God told Abram and Sarai to leave their home and go to a new land. They walked about 400 miles - think about walking from Seattle to Missoula, MT. I think this journey would have been hot. Just as we get tired and hungry when we travel, it seems likely Abram and Sarai also would get tired and hungry. They didn’t complain, they trusted God and kept going. God is with us today when we travel, just like God was with Abram and Sarai.

You can read it in a Spark Story Bible (page 29). The complete text is online here. Read either verses 1-9 or the whole chapter.

What are some ways that God is with you in your life today?

What are some of the blessings in your life?


Dear God, Thank you for the journeys in our life. Thank you for being with us on our journeys, both near and far. Help us remember to count our blessings every day. Be with all the people caring for others in their journeys. In your name we pray, Amen.

Optional Activity:

Create some “thank-you stones” by finding a stone outside. Use paint or markers to write something you are thankful for on the stone. Put the stone in your room where you will be reminded of the blessings in your life.