CoronaVirus Update
Dear HSLC members and friends,
“God does not need your good works, but your neighbor does.” –Martin Luther
You likely know that the virus known as COVID-19(commonly known as the coronavirus)is currently active globally and, more recently, in our local communities. As people called to proclaim and embody the compassionate, challenging, inclusive love of God made known to us in Jesus, we are committed to taking assertive steps that protect the health and well-being of our most vulnerable neighbors and congregational members.
To that end, the HSLC Executive Team –Council President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Pastor Mike,and Pastor Katy –will gather weekly to assess the best information and guidance available to us. The World Health Organization, the U.S. Center for Disease Control, and local authorities such as the City of Kirkland, King County, and Lake Washington School District are good sources of accurate, updated information to guide and inform us.
Our central priority is to do as Martin Luther reminded us –to protect the health and well-being of our neighbors. While the virus presents as a minor cold to many, it appears to be most dangerous to those with compromised immune systems or underlying health conditions, as well as those who are elderly. Those words describe many of our members at Holy Spirit, as well as members of the wider community. We want to protect their health as well as do what we can to stop the spread of this virus, while still maintaining our central practices as a congregation.
For the week of Monday, March 2nd, we are adopting the following practices:
We are prioritizing our worship life together and will continue worship services as scheduled. That includes Sunday morning worship and Wednesday evening Lenten worship. We will make some adaptation in our worship practices, including changes to how we serve communion, and how we share the peace.
Other gatherings will be cancelled for this week. Because the situation is rapidly evolving, we will revisit this decision each week but for now, non-worship events such as classes, soup supper, bible studies, Lenten small groups, Crossways, confirmation, music groups and youth groups are cancelled.
We will work with community partners to continue essential services as much as possible. As we are able, we want to continue offering space for AA and Community Supper, as these provide mental and physical healing for our neighbors. We will work with organizations to adapt as necessary.
What can you do to help?
You’ve likely seen much of this information, but we strongly encourage you to:
Wash your hands regularly and try to avoid touching your face. It may seem simple, but washing your hands regularly is the best way to stop disease from spreading.
Stay home if you are sick. As with any virus, stay home if you are not well so as to protect others.
Keep us informed if you become ill. This can help us pray for you, offer you support, and adapt our community practices as necessary.
As a Christian community, we hold in prayer those who have contracted this virus, and the families of those who have died. We pray for all whose health conditions make them especially vulnerable to this virus. We pray for medical workers, those who are working on vaccines, and any who feel anxious and worried. We hold to God’s faithfulness and to the good courage God gives us to do what is right and good for our neighbors and the world. And we ask for your grace as we make these decisions in an ever-changing environment.
Remember that you can connect with Holy Spirit through social media, as well as our website. We will keep these critical communication channels updated at least weekly as the Executive Team makes decisions. We are working to get sermon videos available; you can find the weekly biblical readings as well as a link to online giving on the website. Nothing takes the place of community, but it is our hope and prayer that an assertive approach now will lead to a healthier community in the long run.
As you have concerns, questions, or feedback, don’t hesitate to contact us.
In Christ,
HSLC Executive Team
Kathie Olson (Council President)
Amy Wulfesteig (Vice-President)
Katie Allen (Secretary)
Tracey Dunlap (Treasurer)
Pastor Michael Anderson
Pastor Katy McCallum Sachse