Ash Wednesday
February 17th
Imposition of ashes
Noon-2:00 pm & 7:00-8:00 pm
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season; an invitation into a deeper faith, a renewed spirituality, and a growing awareness of God and ourselves. As we are marked with ashes we remember our mortality, and we remember how God breathes life into us, even when it seems like we are no more than dust. On Ash Wednesday, we will offer two opportunities to receive the imposition of ashes outside at HSLC: 12pm-2pm and 7pm-8pm. Please wear a mask and observe physical distancing; ashes will be offered in keeping with COVID-19 guidelines. To pick up a ‘Lent in a Bag’ kit for the season, sign up here. Our online Ash Wednesday service will be available beginning at noon.