Ages 3 - PreK

Preschool age children love story. It doesn’t matter the kind of story – they love to hear it and tell them over and over. At Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, we share God’s love through story, play, and social interactions.  The children hear stories at their level that connect with them and give them the understanding of God’s love they can then express to others in their unique way. Families are important role models for these ages and we do many things together.


Rainbow Kids Sunday School @ 9:30 am

The Rainbow Kids Sunday School program is a combined class for 3, 4, and 5 year olds who are not yet in kindergarten. Each year, we choose stories from the Old Testament and the New Testament.

Each year we require a new registration form for your child(ren). This helps our staff and volunteers have the most current information for your child(ren) and your updated contact information.

Rainbow Kids Sunday School leaders are volunteers and have their children in the program. For the program to run smoothly, we need parent volunteers each week. Our volunteer sign-up is online through Sign-up Genius, via the button below. Please consider signing up for one spot every 8-10 weeks. You can also volunteer in a different age group if you prefer - visit the appropriate age section on our website. Note: Some companies will match some or all of your volunteer time with a financial donation, usually based upon your reported volunteer hours - contact your employer.

If you have any questions regarding Children’s Christian Education at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, please contact Becky at

Little Spirits

Fellowship community for families with children birth through pre-kindergarten. We strive to support one another while developing meaningful, long-term connections for the whole family. Throughout the year, we have a variety of events. 


Easter Celebration—Saturday, April 5 from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm

All families with children birth through 3rd grade, join your church friends for our annual Easter Celebration! There will be crafts, fun Easter games, and an activity to learn about the Easter story! Share a few snacks with friends and who knows what else! Invite your friends for an afternoon of fun! The younger ones will be in the Preschool space. Please enter through the preschool doors on the north side of the building. The Kindergarten - 3rd graders will be in the Fellowship Hall. Parents we need your help, so plan to stay with your child for the celebration!

Planning to attend? Sign-up via the button below.

Questions? Contact Becky at

Becky and Mallory.jpg

Each year we require a new registration form for your child(ren). This helps our staff and volunteers have the most current information for your child(ren) and your updated contact information.

Nursery Care

Our childcare attendants are on duty in the nursery for children ages 3 years and younger during Sunday mornings and certain specified events and classes. Some of the more popular times the nursery is used outside of worship include:

  • Congregational Meetings

  • New Member Classes

  • Adult Education (including Safe Haven Training)

  • Mom’s Midweek Ministry

Don't miss a great opportunity to challenge yourself, meet others, and grow in faith.  If your event is not listed above, please contact the church office to request childcare.  When childcare is available, donations are welcome.

Throughout the year, we have an infant nursery for those not yet walking and a toddler nursery for the children who are walking. We strive to create a safe, clean and loving environment for young children not yet able to sit through an entire church service. Parents are welcome to stay and play with their child to assist in acclimating him/her to the nursery. In the nursery, children are encouraged to share, take turns, respect each other, and to be helpful and gentle. We teach acceptance, understanding and interest in each other's differences, abilities and cultures. All staff must pass a criminal background check and have attended our Safe Haven Training program. They are trained in infant/child CPR and First Aid.

If you are new to using the HSLC Nursery, or would like to learn more about this ministry, join us at our annual Nursery Open House, Sunday, September 15 from 9:00 am to noon. Find out about our paging system, which allows nursery staff to page you during an event if your child needs immediate attention or if you have requested an update from the nursery. You can also tour the infant room and meet the nursery attendants. Our mission is to provide quality loving care for children, so that parents can participate in a variety of church programs.

To register for nursery care, simply complete the Nursery Registration form by clicking the button below. We need a new form completed each year so our staff have the most up-to-date information on your child(ren).

Health Policy: We operate a well-child nursery. If your child is sick, has recently been sick, or has been exposed to a significant illness, please do not bring him or her to the nursery. We apologize for any inconvenience that may be caused by the well-child policy, but we do find that this helps significantly slow the spread of colds and illnesses among children, families, and staff.
