Grades 4, 5, and 6
Our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students have opportunities to share their experiences with their peers in a variety of ways. We explore real world problems and how people can make a difference in their small corner of the world. We further explore our Lutheran theology basics, including Martin Luther, and why they are important in their faith journey. There are educational and fellowship opportunities available throughout the year for this age group.
Connect 4/5 Elementary Sunday School @ 9:30 am
Students in grades 4 and 5 hear and experience the Word of God in a story, video, and discussion-based program that explores the Old Testament and New Testament. During the hour, children participate in story, crafts, service, interactive discussion, music, games, and fellowship!
Each year we require a new registration form for your child(ren). This helps our staff and volunteers have the most current information for your child(ren) and your updated contact information.
Connect 4/5 Sunday School leaders are volunteers and have their children in the program. For the program to run smoothly, we need one parent volunteer each week. Our volunteer sign-up is online through Sign-up Genius, via the button below. Please consider signing up for one spot every 8-10 weeks. You can also volunteer in a different age group if you prefer - visit the appropriate age section on our website. Note: Some companies will match some or all of your volunteer time with a financial donation, usually based upon your reported volunteer hours - contact your employer.
Time 4 Tweens @ 9:30 AM
Students in 6th grade have a variety of opportunities to explore their faith and build relationships with their peers. They will experience Bible study, conversation, guest speakers, worships, and service projects throughout the year. Topics include Martin Luther, Who is Jesus, What is a Christian, and Hard Questions, along with other class suggested topics.
Each year we require a new registration form for your child. This helps our staff and volunteers have the most current information for your child and your updated contact information.
Kidz Club
Kindergarten-5th grade - Wednesdays from 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Students hear and explore Bible stories and topics on Wednesday nights. There are 6-week sessions – one in the fall, winter, and spring. Our topics help children connect the learning to their own experiences. During their time together, children participate through story, video, activities, and discussion.
The program needs adults to serve as small group helpers. Volunteers support the teacher and interact with the kids. All materials and directions are provided. Adults with children enrolled in Kidz Club are highly encouraged to volunteer. Our volunteer sign-up is available online through Sign-up Genius (click here). Please consider signing up for one spot every 6 weeks. Note: Some companies will match some or all of your volunteer time with a financial donation, usually based upon your reported volunteer hours - contact your employer.
Each year we require a new registration form for your child. This helps our staff and volunteers have the most current information for your child and your updated contact information.
If you have any questions regarding Children's Christian Education at Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, please contact Becky Cole at
Acolyte Training
4th, 5th and 6th graders who are interested in joining our acolyte team take a training specific for this very important worship assistant role. You’ll learn more about what it means to be an acolyte, do a bit of practice, and ask questions. This class is usually held in the fall, and lasts approximately 45 minutes. Parents are expected to attend the training along with their child(ren).
If you have any questions, please contact Becky Cole at
Already trained as an acolyte and ready to serve? We need acolytes to serve at all three worship services (8:00, 9:30, 11:00 am). Click the button below to access the Signup Genius form to be added to the schedule.
Route 456
Traveling down Route 456, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders have opportunities in this stretch of their faith journey for fun and games, creative expression, and fellowship with their peer group. Participants and parents help mold this vehicle into a comfortably charged, positive environment where Christian values are gathered and nurtured as they worship, learn, discuss, and serve the community.
We welcome you to any and all of our events during the year as we share God’s love in all we do.
Dance Into Spring—Friday, March 7 from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Are you ready for spring? Get ready to dance the night away—Friday, March 7 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the fellowship hall where our DJ will be spinning the best beats to keep the party going! Wear your favorite color and let’s make the dance floor shine! There will be activities for those who don't want to dance the whole time. Light refreshments will be available.
Questions? Contact Becky at
Route 456 Marshmallows and Mysteries—Sunday, February 23 from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
4th, 5th, and 6th graders - join us in the Youth Room for a fun afternoon of games for marshmallow mania and an escape room right here at Holy Spirit! We’ll have marshmallow-themed activities and work together to get out of our Escape Room adventure. The cost is just $5 per person! Friends are always welcome!
Please sign up via the button below so we have enough supplies for everyone. Questions? Contact Becky.
Elementary Retreat (grades 2-5) at Camp Lutherwood—Friday, March 14 through Saturday, March 15
Does your child wonder what summer camp might look like at Camp Lutherwood? Do you wonder if your child would enjoy a week there this summer? Join us at Camp Lutherwood for just 24 hours to experience camp life. Parents are welcome to attend with their child. We'll leave the church at 5:15 pm Friday night (bring a sack lunch to eat on the way) and return by 7:30 pm on Saturday, March 15. Crafts, campfire, Bible study, group games, and much more!
Register by signing up online, and placing your check made out to HSLC indicating “Elementary Retreat” with student name (and adult name if applicable) in the registration slot by Friday, February 28. The cost is $45 for adults and $55 for the elementary students. This covers all meals and activities while at camp. Money should never be a reason to not participate, financial assistance is available. All conversations kept confidential - talk to Becky. If you have any questions, please contact Becky at
Each year we require a new registration form for your child. This helps our staff and volunteers have the most current information for your child and your updated contact information.
Middle School Events
Throughout the year, we will offer a few activities for 6th, 7th and 8th grade youth and friends to come and have a good time!