Lenten Devotion

April 1st

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On Sunday, we heard the text from Matthew about the woman who wanted Jesus to heal her daughter. When she asked Jesus for help, he didn’t answer her. That is so unexpected! Jesus didn’t answer her - what? This is the same Jesus who told the disciples to let the children come to him when they were telling the parents that Jesus was too busy and now he is ignoring a woman whose daughter is ill. The woman doesn’t give up - she kneels before him and asks him for help. This time he also doesn’t help her. Instead he tells her that he is helping other people.    

Why do you think Jesus ignored the woman the first time? 

Share a time when you were in a situation where you asked for help and no one helped you. How did this make you feel?

What do you think happens next?

The Canaanite woman tried one more time. She told Jesus that even though he was there to help others, he could also help her. Everyone needs help at times. Jesus agreed with her and told her that she had great faith. Jesus heals her daughter. There are times when we might ask Jesus for something and we might think that Jesus isn’t listening. Jesus is always listening to our prayers. Although sometimes we get an unexpected response from our prayers, it doesn’t mean God didn’t hear us. We are in an unexpected time right now. No one expected that we would be worshipping from home during this season of Lent. No one expected that we would be out of school and working from home in March 2020. Yet, that is exactly where we are and we are moving forward. We are all learning new ways to do things. Kids are figuring out school online. Parents are figuring out how to balance working and parenting at the same time. Everyone is figuring out ways to stay connected to those we love when we can’t see them in person. People are figuring out new technology for their jobs, their kids’ school, to stay connected, to participate in worship, and so many other reasons. We have been given an unexpected gift of fewer activities and more family time. 

When have you experienced something unexpected? 

When have you done something unexpected for someone else?

What could you do for someone this week that might be unexpected?

This story is not in the Spark Story Bible. Since this story is only a few verses, please consider reading the whole story online at here

Where did you see God in your life this last week? 

What are ways you can help others who are not feeling heard?


Dear God, Thank you for the story that reminds us to be open to new and unexpected things. Be with us when we wait for answers and open our eyes to see new possibilities. Help us to be mindful of the unexpected journey we are on now. Help us remember we are connected for good and the church is your people, working together. Shower us with your grace as we continue to explore the unexpected. In your name we pray, Amen. 


Optional Activity

Cut two rectangles from construction paper. Form the shape of a cross from the rectangles. Write the word “FAITH” on the cross in big letters. Decorate the cross with colorful markers, stickers, and any other art supplies you have. On the bottom of the cross, write a prayer you have for others this week. Next week, look back at this prayer and write down what happened. Was it expected or unexpected?