Ways to Help

Community Involvement's long-range goal is to increase congregational awareness of and involvement in local community social ministry activities. We conduct the following activities in the community during the year and are always in need of volunteers to help with coordinating and conducting the projects:


Thanksgiving Generosity

Prior to 2020, HSLC provided a traditional Thanksgiving grocery basket to families in need. Our partnership with Attain Housing encouraged shifts in this generosity over the years and currently invite donations directly to Attain Housing. Attain uses these funds to provide gift certificates for groceries and basic household supplies, to support case workers helping people stay housed, and transitional housing services.



Giving Trees

We host Giving Trees each Advent season. Every year different themes are created, such as supplies for incoming refugees, books for children in need, gift cards to local grocery stores, or simply monetary donations. Items collected are shared with local community groups and given to grateful recipients.

Where We Donate

The Social Justice Team manages HSLC’s budget for local benevolence, determining which organizations in our community are to receive a portion of the money our church sets aside for this. Each of these organizations also has a continuing need for volunteers to help with their missions. Organizations that we support include:

We invite you to join us is in service to our community and the world!  Look for information in the Sunday bulletins and monthly newsletters on opportunities to get involved.