HSLC Refugee Resettlement Committee

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”    (Matthew 25:35)

Mission Statement

As Christians called to welcome the stranger in our midst, we provide compassionate support to people who have fled their homes due to war, violence, conflict or persecution. Partnering with Lutheran Community Services Northwest and others, we assist with resettlement efforts to integrate refugees successfully into new communities, sponsor educational programs to promote fact-based awareness of immigration and refugee issues, and advocate for refugees to ensure justice and inclusion.


Welcome to the HSLC Refugee Resettlement Committee page!  We hope you find this site informative, interesting and inspirational.  Founded in 2016, this committee has welcomed five families and, in the process, become knowledgeable and compassionate resources to those transitioning to a new country.  This site is a way to learn about our journey, current activities and ways to become involved.


Over the last seven years, the Refugee Resettlement Committee has been active!  We have welcomed five families, conducted four KIT/blanket drives, organized two Movie Nights, and given/scheduled six presentations.  Please click here for a timeline of the RRC accomplishments!

Summer 2023 Wrap Up

This summer kept our committee active with a Kit Drive in support of Lutheran Community Services Northwest as they anticipated the resettlement of many new families primarily from Afghanistan and Ukraine. The HSLC congregation generously answered the call for donations, and, in honor of World Refugee Day on June 20, we gathered enough donations to assemble 14 Bathroom Kits, and 8 Cleaning Kits. We continued meeting throughout the summer, adding a new educational segment to each meeting, where we learned about current state and national refugee issues. Committee members were able to use summer days to connect with our four refugee families in the area during birthday parties, park visits, family check-ins and transportation to recreational sport camps. Our committee has finished the summer’s activities ready to start a new program year with a new mission statement, a new Refugee Committee section on the HSLC website and, starting in September, a new Strategic Plan where we will map out and organize our committee work for the year to come. We are always looking for new volunteers to join the work of our committee and find a meaningful role in which to serve. You can contact the Co-Chairs for more information (see below) or meet them during the Ministry Fair on September 10th.

Current Activities

Resettlement Efforts:  Assisting with the resettlement of refugees into our local communities is one of our primary areas of focus.  Click here for more info.

Education:  Providing opportunities to learn about challenges facing refugees is another area of focus. Click here for our activities.

Advocacy: Advocating on behalf of refugees is critical to their successful integration into their new communities.  Click here for our approaches.


We meet every third Tuesday from 7-8pm via Zoom, or sometimes, in person.  Invitations to join the meeting are sent two or three days before each meeting.

Acknowledging our busy lives and that many people don’t have lots of time to volunteer, we welcome anyone who is interested in supporting our mission, regardless if you can volunteer for one hour, one day, or more.


You are welcome to contact either of the co-chairs (Debbie Cossey and Chris Koll) through the church office regarding questions or to join a meeting as a guest or new member….and we would love to have you!


Here are some local, national and international resources for learning more about refugee resettlement:


Lutheran Community Services Northwest (Refugee and Immigrant Services)

National and International

UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees)

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)

Please click here for a more comprehensive listing of organizations, books and videos that provide both recent and historical information about refugees around the world.

Thank you for visiting the Refugee Resettlement Committee page!

Refugee Resettlement Committee 2023