Midweek Meal


Wednesday nights at Holy Spirit have something for the whole family! Our Midweek Meal is served from 6:00 - 6:45 pm, and you are welcome to come just for the meal, or to stick around after to attend an evening activity like Confirmation or Adult Education options.

Following our Midweek Meal, from 7-8:30pm we have many education and fellowship opportunities. Adults and older teens can take part in Adult Education (starting October 4th). At this same time Junior High youth can participate in our wonderful Confirmation Program. Kids grades K-6 can have fun at the Midweek Kidz Club. We also have two children’s bell choirs who meet for rehearsal on Wednesday nights. Childcare is available for kids PreK and younger.

Wednesday nights at Holy Spirit are a great opportunity to get involved in our community, and explore and deepen your faith life.