Crossways with Pastor Mike Anderson


Video lectures sent via e-mail

Zoom discussion on Thursday evenings

Pastor Mike Anderson is leading a two-year academic overview of the entire Bible – Genesis to Revelation. We studied the Old Testament in 2023-2024, and will cover the New Testament in 2024-2025. Those who register will receive prerecorded lectures on Sunday afternoons during the program year which can be viewed whenever time allows.  The lectures are easy to understand and will introduce the biblical story in new ways even life-long Christians find helpful, even surprising.  Although the lectures are prerecorded, there will be a chance for live conversation about the class. Each Thursday, a Zoom link will be sent to the email list so people can join an optional evening question-and-answer session.  

Pastor Mike has taught this overview of the Bible for nearly 40 years and hundreds of students have participated.  Here are a few endorsements:

“Crossways with Pastor Mike is the best, most life-affirming class I’ve taken (in 25+ years of school). Experiencing the Bible can change a life! It changed mine.” - Pastor Kathryn Buffum           

“If I could give every person in every congregation one gift to ground their lives in God’s love, empower their faith in God’s grace, and develop a clear understanding of the Bible’s big picture, it would be the opportunity to participate in the Crossways overview of the Bible led by Pastor Michael Anderson. Give yourself the blessing of a lifetime and participate!” - Pastor Red Burchfield

“Even as a life-long Christian, I learned so much from Crossways. Crossways provided me with ways to offer others Christ’s message more compassionately in contrast to the distortions promoted by some Christians today who try to dominate the message from the lens of ultra-conservative, evangelical, right-leaning nationalism.” - Rena Connell, Wooden Cross Lutheran

“In Crossways Pastor Mike helps us do a rare thing: take the Bible seriously without taking it literally. I appreciated the class for my own continuing education and as a resource for my parishioners. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!” - Pastor Rebecca Langholz

“Crossways provides both a stellar introduction to the Bible for newcomers, and a deep dive for those who value the Bible but are looking for new and relevant ways to approach it. Diving into the biblical contexts, languages, and history is deeply enriching and only makes the Bible more lively and meaningful in the 21st century. I highly recommend Crossways to spark your Biblical imagination!” – Pastor Katy McCallum Sachse

Everyone is welcome to attend this virtual program and we especially encourage people who may not be members of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church. Because it is completely virtual, geography is of no concern. Anyone, anywhere, will be able to participate!

Crossways will resume in October 2024. By registering via the form below, you will be added to the weekly e-mail distribution of video lessons and Zoom discussion reminders.

A $25 contribution for the class helps to cover staff and supply costs for Crossways. Donations over $25 are tax-deductible and help sustain and grow faith formation programs like Crossways. Click the link below to donate online, or mail a check to the church office with “Crossways” in the memo line.

If you have any questions, contact the church office at or 425-823-2727.

Registration Form